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Support Consonare's mission

Choir Matrix Rehearsal 3.jpg

Prefer to mail a donation instead?  Make checks payable to Consonare Choral Community and mail to P.O. Box 338, Mansfield Center, CT 06250

Consonare Choral Community is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered with the IRS, EIN 82-5430902


Your tax-deductible gift helps build community through choral music

We believe the emotional and physical benefits experienced when singing with others or engaging in live music performances is important our everyone's well-being. Consonare Choral Community is a non-profit choral arts organization that believes singing with others and choral music should be accessible to all and that professional artists should be compensated for their work and artistry. As an independent non-profit, we rely heavily on the financial contributions of our singers, friends, and supporters. Read about Consonare's impact here.


In addition to paying our musicians, donations are used to purchase sheet music, secure licenses to perform music and/or post music recordings, rent concert space, provide fee waivers for singers with financial need, print programs, audio/video recording, as well as the general costs involved running a non-profit such as a website, bookkeeping, marketing, etc.


When you give to Consonare, you are directly supporting local arts and artists, and helping to make our programming affordable to all in the community.


Thank you for your support!

The best way that you can support Consonare is to donate funds online with a credit card or by check in the mail. Businesses can also sponsor a concert or place a program ad.


To place an ad in one of concert programs or to sponsor a concert, see below.


Another great way to support Consonare is to subscribe to our YouTube Channel (it is free for you) as we are close to having enough subscribers to where we can earn money when our videos are viewed. The same could apply to Facebook and Instagram, so please like/follow our social media pages and click the "like" button on our posts and videos when you can.  Positive reviews and comments are helpful and greatly appreciated.



Become a sponsor

We typically host 10-12 concerts and/or events each year.  Information on our audience reach is listed after.  Your company can apply for one of two types of sponsorships for one of the concerts:


Concert Sponsor - $150

This sponsorship option is for one of our concerts (events listed here):

  • Printed / Digital Program:  your company listed as one of the concert sponsors in the printed and digital concert program with your logo

  • Website: your logo with hyperlink on Consonare website leading up to the concert date

  • Social Media: your logo included in dedicated social media posts as sponsors of the chosen concert


Premier Concert Sponsor - $250

This sponsorship option is for one of our concerts (events listed here):

  • Printed / Digital Program: your company will listed in the printed and digital program as "This concert is sponsored by [your company name]"

  • Marketing: all print and online marketing to newspapers, online calendars, and radio stations will list your company as the concert sponsor with your logo

  • Website: your logo with hyperlink on Consonare website leading up to the concert date and until the end of the season (June 2025)

  • Social Media: your logo will be included on all social media marketing of this event as the concert sponsor



We have experienced in-person audience sizes for one performance of our community adult and youth choirs from 125-400 people with an additional amount of musicians performing in the concert ranging from an additional 60-100 people. For the last choir season, over 115 singers sang with one of our choral ensembles.  Therefore, the total in-person audience capabilities for the three concerts we have planned for the 2024-25 season could yield a range of audience members from 475-900.  In addition to the in-person performances, we will advertising our concerts at the Celebrate Mansfield event, local radio stations, across our social media platforms, and on our website.


Voices of Concinnity creates close and contemplative atmosphere with their in-person performances, yielding 50-120 audience members per concert.  Audiences are expected to be larger than usual for these two concerts as our first performance will be a collaboration with Ekklesia Ballet Company and our second concert will be a collaboration with a string quartet. Concinnity released their debut album this past spring, "Awaiting Golden Light" and is steadily growing their following on their social media platforms and album streaming services.  In addition to the in-person performances, we will be advertising our concerts at the Celebrate Mansfield event, local radio stations, across Concinnity and Consonare social media platforms, and on our website.

Become a sponsor today
Which type of sponsor (choose one):
Upload Business Logo

After completing this form, you will receive an invoice for the sponsorship amount you have chosen above.

Thanks for supporting Consonare with your sponsorship!



Place an ad in our concert programs
Upload Business Card Here

After completing this form, you will be redirected to an online checkout to pay the $75.00 fee for the 3 concerts

Thanks for supporting Consonare with your ad!


Place an ad in our program

We have three community concerts this season featuring our Choir Matrix, Consonare Youth Choirs, and Consonare Community Choir, all of which are open to singers of all ages and ranges of abilities with no audition. These concerts usually draw an audience of 150-400 people.  


For $75, you can have a business card sized advertisement (3.5" x 2") in each of the three printed and digital concert programs of our community concerts for the 2024-25 season.


Community Concerts (concert details listed here):

  • November 16

  • March 23 

  • June 7

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